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Why Csc Providence has the best catholic schools?

For over 230 years, l’école catholique has followed a tradition built on both excellence and innovation. Synonymous with quality education and superior academic achievement, l’école catholique holds Ontario’s highest graduation rate, making it the best school out there.
Learn why seven out of ten parents choose l’école catholique, the best catholic school for your child.

Choose academic excellence at the best Catholic school

L’école catholique is synonymous with academic excellence. That’s quite the added value! Its graduation rate is the highest in Southwestern Ontario, supporting the promise of superior academic achievement. Choosing a French-language catholic school is choosing success for your child. That’s why most parents choose l’école catholique! Its positive school climate always ensures a warm welcome, which means your child will grow and learn in a respectful and inclusive environment.
The Ontario government’s most recent published data on secondary school graduation ranks the Conseil scolaire catholique Providence first among all the French-language and English-language school boards in Ontario, with a 97 % graduation rate.
Well above the provincial average, this graduation rate showcases the quality of the education provided by Csc Providence schools and also why it is the best school for your child, thanks in no small way to dedicated teachers who are committed to ensuring each student’s success as well as to rigorous integrated strategic planning.

High-level bilingualism

At the Csc Providence, the best catholic school in Ontario, students learn and live in French, through all aspects of school life. Whether in morning prayers, extracurricular and community activities, recess or lunch, your children will live in a daily environment that is entirely francophone, an incomparable voyage into francophone culture. This will help your child acquire the tools essential to fluently communicate in French.
All subjects are taught in French with the exception of English classes. French is also the language of communication with parents. This creates a rich francophone environment, which promotes the French language and francophone culture for students.
With this in mind, the schools have developed different ways of communicating with francophone parents and involved them in school life. Examples of innovative practices include the use of technologies, free second-language courses, diverse tools to facilitate the participation of parents who don’t speak French, individualized meetings with the teacher, help with the child’s homework in French, and more.

High-level bilingualism

Mastering the two official languages at the best school!

Students learn and live in French throughout the day; this gives them ample opportunities to perfect their language capacities in French. In addition, beginning in Grade 4, the English language is taught to them by experts in the subject.
Students who obtain their high school diploma from a French-language Catholic school to have mastered Canada’s two official languages. This will allow them to continue their post-secondary studies in English or in French, as they choose.
Their high-level bilingualism and sense of belonging to the francophone community, in a world where English is everywhere, offers them a promising future with many career opportunities in either of the two official languages. French-language Catholic schools prepare their students to succeed on the global stage.

Schools rooted in Catholic values

Since faith is at the heart of our schools and all our educational actions, we can confidently state that our way of doing things is different, making us far and away the best catholic school in Windsor, Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock and Owen Sound. Through our words and our actions, our staff endorses the values of the Catholic Church, such as respect, inclusion, love of one’s neighbour and community involvement.
Our schools offer your child an opportunity to develop a deep knowledge of the teachings of Christ, and to participate in liturgical and Eucharistic celebrations with peers, while learning to respect and recognize the diversity and interdependence of the world’s people, religions and cultures.
At the Csc Providence, your child will have the opportunity to fully develop spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.

Childcare program at the best catholic school

In French, from early childhood
For more than 25 years, we have recognized the importance of developing language skills starting in infancy and have offered full-time preschool and kindergarten services, facilitating access to child care services in French.
The Early Years Program is an integral part of our elementary schools, because we believe it promotes the development of your child, self-esteem, familiarization with school and the acquisition of language skills that are essential to school success!
Several models of childcare are offered in all our schools.

Enjoy extracurricular activities at the best Catholic school

Extracurricular activities offer a variety of activities to facilitate integration and promote general development, and increase the chances of school success for young children. It offers enhanced support for young families, and also allows elementary school-age children to receive instructional support (in French) with homework, research projects and class work.

Centres for children and families

The centres are for children aged from 0 to 6 years old, accompanied by an adult. They allow children to participate in a wide variety of free activities related to literacy and numeracy in order to ensure school readiness for each child. In addition, the centres allow families to familiarize themselves with the school system, provide networking possibilities to parents, guardians, and professionals who come together to share ideas and useful advice. These include relevant information on community services, programs and resources.

Homework clubs

Homework clubs represent a huge benefit for students! This educational support allows students to complete, review and practice assigned homework in a French-speaking environment with an educator present.
This service is an excellent means for fostering academic success and avoiding delays in the students’ educational path. As an ally of parents, the Csc Providence provides this support to help your child complete the assigned homework on time, using the necessary materials.

Number one choice for Francophone parents

In Ontario, seven out of ten francophone parents choose a French-language Catholic school for their child, in order to provide the most beneficial environment for the child’s full spiritual, cultural, intellectual, physical and socio-emotional development.
The vitality of the Francophone and Catholic school community is Christ-centered and based on a solid partnership within the school, home, and parish. Partner with us today to ensure your child's success at the best school in Windsor, Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock and Owen Sound.