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Catholic School Admission Criteria

Our many Catholic schools, part of the Conseil scolaire catholique Providence, uphold a proud tradition of providing francophone children with a nurturing environment rooted in Catholic values. This is in accordance with section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and article 93 of the Constitution Acts of 1867. We have schools in Windsor, Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, and Owen Sound.

Applying is a straightforward process that welcomes all students. Prospective students must meet three admission criteria related to age, religion, and language. The application process is extremely simple, requiring only a few necessary documents. Learn more about the school registration process here.

At what age can my child enroll in the Catholic school?

To be admitted to kindergarten at our Catholic school, the child must be at least 4 years old by December 31st of the current academic year. This age requirement ensures that students are developmentally ready to engage in the curriculum and activities offered at the school. By enrolling children at this age, our Catholic Schools aims to provide a solid foundation for their educational journey, nurturing their growth and development in a supportive and enriching environment.

What religion is taught at CSC Providence?

Our catholic schools, are dedicated to serving families seeking to provide their children with a French Catholic education. With a commitment to excellence in both language and faith-based learning, we welcome families who value the rich cultural and spiritual heritage that comes with a Francophone Catholic educational experience.

Is there a language requirement to attend a French-language school?

According to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, you have the right to register your child in a French-language school if you meet one of these three criteria.
  • A parent, Canadian citizen, whose first language learned and still understood is French; or
  • A parent, Canadian citizen, who received education at the elementary level in a French-language school in Canada; or
  • A parent, Canadian citizen, with a child who received or is receiving education in the elementary or high school levels in a French-language school.
However, if you do not qualify under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Education Act allows a parent or guardian to request the possibility of admitting the child via an admission committee of the School Board. This is a simple process, which is done through a meeting between members of the board and the family.
Our Catholic school institutions across Windsor, Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, and Owen Sound remain steadfast in their commitment to providing a nurturing environment rooted in Catholic values and French language education. Upholding the principles outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Education Act, we ensure that all prospective students, regardless of background, have the opportunity to receive a quality education that fosters their growth academically, spiritually, and linguistically. Our simple application process reflects this commitment, with three straightforward admission criteria based on age, religion, and language, ensuring every child admitted to our schools meets the necessary requirements for a fulfilling educational experience.
For more information on the admission criteria, please see policy 7.046 and administrative procedure PA-7.046 for student admission.