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Our educational approach to become fully bilingual

At CSC Providence, our educational philosophy revolves around Catholic values while fostering bilingualism. We prioritize personal growth and global openness through long-term educational plans cutomize to each student's needs, offering a unique blend of French and English education in our French schools in Windsor, Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, and Owen Sound. Here are the three pivotal elements to our educational approach:

A bilingual school in partnership with you

We believe in collaboration. Our inclusive and innovative methods engage students, parents, and educators in a harmonious partnership. Together, we unlock each child's full potential through shared expertise and knowledge.

Here we believe education is a lifelong journey. We invest in our staff's ongoing education to provide cutting-edge teaching strategies, empowering students for success in both academia and life.

Our French-language Catholic schools consistently excel in provincial tests. Rooted in the Ontario curriculum, our programs integrate French culture and Catholic faith from early childhood to adulthood.

In addition:

  • Pastoral animationis an integral part of all aspects of school life in our French schools for example. It offers the student the possibility of free participation in efforts inspired by the Gospel and designed to awaken faith, allowing it to be fully lived and deepened.
  • Through cultural experiences in school and outside, students progresively develop personal linguistic and cultural identity, therefore acquiring a strong sense of belonging in the Franco-Ontarian community

Our schools in french focus on identity construction

At our French schools, the best way for your child to become bilingual, your child experiences a rich social environment where French and English intertwine. Here, we prioritize the development of leadership skills alongside a strong Franco-Ontarian Catholic identity.

Here at the Csc Providence we're committed to more than just rhetoric; we're committed to action. We support our local community with humanitarian and charitable work. Through socio-cultural enrichment initiatives, we aim to cultivate open-mindedness, well-roundedness, and compassion, ensuring your child's holistic development.

Moreover, to promote the development of a deep cultural identity, we encourage your child to enrich his or her analytical skills by asking thoughtful questions and developing communication skills with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.


Training and personal growth in our bilingual schools

Our French schools all over the Canadian province of Ontario provide a unique opportunity for academic achievement through the development of our students’ bilingual communication skills (in French and English). Our personalized approach is designed to allow your child to fully develop spiritually, culturally, intellectually, socially, and physically.

Our French-language Catholic schools therefore offer a varied choice of extra-curricular activities for every interest: student council, improvisation, arts, sports teams, theatre, music, track and field and leadership training. Moreover, pastoral animation and cultural facilitation form an integral part of school life.

We strengthen your child's connection to francophone culture through various means, including participatory leadership, top-tier teaching, and opportunities for francophone cultural enrichment. Our partnership with parents ensures active involvement in your child's educational journey, fostering a sense of belonging and identity. Through guidance, cooperative education, and experiential learning, we empower your child to embrace and contribute to the dynamic evolution of French culture.


At CSC Providence, we are really proud of our French schools in Windsor and elsewhere, such as Essex, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Woodstock, and Owen Sound. Our educational approach revolves around three pivotal elements: A partnership between students, parents and educators, identity construction and finally training and personal growth.